Walking, Writing and Talking - An approach to navigating our experience of grief and loss.

Sometimes we walk in the bush, writing and sharing poetry together. We connect with place as an important part of ourselves, learning the bigger stories of ourselves. Walking and writing can help us navigate the grief and loss, places have their own relationships with change, death, life and the loss. A burnt landscape of burnt trees, seed pods broken open to spill seeds onto the ground, fungi and mushrooms thriving off a fallen giant in the rainforest, a cracked boulder containing the multitudes of new communities. the crevis of life thriving amongst the constant change. 

What do the places that you love show you about your own experience of grief and loss? 

Waterfalls that drop into the sea


Water from the creek


On a cliff edge the landscape


Hakea seeds cracked open

Epicormic buds explode from

The blackened bark


We talk about gender and violence

We both are silenced

By the pain


Climbing up this sandy ridge the valley opens up

Burnt and regenerating as far as the eye can see.


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